Saturday, December 28, 2019
A Template For Every Uncomfortable Work Email Youll Ever Have to Send
A Template For Every Uncomfortable Work Email Youll Ever Have to SendA Template For Every Uncomfortable Work Email Youll Ever Have to Send Uncomfortable conversations are one thing. (No one likes to confront a coworker for, say, stealing credit for their work or admit to their boss theyre searching for another job .) But when you have to hold those conversations over emaille - whether you need to you need a written record of reporting bad behavior or simply need to set a record straight- it can get even more complicated. After all, once somethings in writing, it can live forever and ever. Thats why we spoke with career experts and came up with five templates for every tricky work email youll ever have to send. You can copy-and-paste these simple sentences, then tweak the template for your specific situation. Read on, learn about email etiquette , and write on with these templates. I wanted to draw attention to the inappropriate behavior of insert co-worker name. On insert date, I was subject to describe offensive behavior in clear, simple detail. I dont feel comfortable working in an office environment in which this sort of behavior is acceptable, and I hope necessary steps will be taken to ensure that it doesnt happen again.According to Nate Masterson, human resources manager at Maple Holistics , who authored this template, its important to communicate that objectively offensive behavior is taking place, and that its not acceptable. Cutting right to the chase is the fruchtwein important step to take. He adds that you should, take the most professional and unemotional tone possible. Im writing in regards to your recent behavior as it pertains to insert specific instance of wrongdoing here. I take exception when Im taken advantage of or wrongly treated in our office in this way, and I expect it to stop. I dont want to have to involve our superiors, and I have full confidence that youll recognize that what youve done is unfair- thats why I hav ent ccd any members of management on this mail. However, if this behavior does in fact continue, I wont hesitate to call for a meeting in order for it to be openly addressed.Abusive and unfair workplace behavior needs to be nipped in the bud, which is why it is important to name the looming threat that is management-involvement, explains Masterson. Most coworkers- if called out- will simply apologize and concede that you are right. Give them the opportunity to do so before taking things to another, higher level. Unfortunately, our insert project name has not gone as well as anticipated. My actions in insert specific shortcoming here have inhibited our progress- and we need to pivot by insert suggestion for improvement here in order to stabilize and improve the situation. Sometimes projects such as these require trial-and-error, and Im confident that we will be on the right path shortly.This one may not be easy to send, personally, so try to stay positive, Masterson encourages. Its a ll about positivity, he says. As a superior or co-worker, conceding to other employees that something you have done has gone wrong can be demoralizing. It is critical to be genuine and convincing in terms of confidence that the ship can be righted, so to speak, so as to minimize collateral damage and get problems fixed as quickly as possible.This e-mail is in regards to your recent performance of. Despite your best efforts- which are noted and appreciated- there have been shortcomings in terms of insert performance woe here. In the interest of the team, it would be best if we rectified this problem by having you work on improving insert area for improvement here. I feel that this would not only serve the interests of the company, but your long-term professional growth.Masterson says the key here is the constructive element of the e-mail- because if you simply criticize without offering suggested methods for implementing change, it simply will look like you are lashing out in frust ration. Its important to make it sounds like you are confident in your belief that improvement can come if the necessary measures are taken.I wanted to bring to your attention that I plan on seeking employment elsewhere due to insert factors. I hope that we will be able to speak soon in order to more appropriately address future plans.As you may know, this sort of a homilie can catch a superior off-guard, Masterson warns, which is why its important to express interest in discussing this matter at further length. You dont want to sound cold or ungrateful- this is a fluid situation that requires attention and discussion- and no boss will appreciate it when a worker severs ties without notice.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Peter Principle and How to Beat It
The Peter Principle and How to Beat ItThe Peter Principle and How to Beat ItIn the 1969 bookThe Peter Principle,authors Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull wrote that workers in a hierarchical structure get promoted to the level at which they are incompetent and stay at that level for the rest of their careers. Logically, this means that virtually all managers are is incompetent. If they werent incompetent, they wouldnt be where they are. There is ample evidence to support the Peter principle, but that doesnt mean it has to happen to you. Peter Principle Logic This now-famous theory suggests that people who do good jobs are rewarded with promotions to the next level up. Each of those who perform well at that higher level is rewarded with another promotion. This process continues until each person gets a job that he or she just isnt competent to do. None of them now deserve a promotion, so all of them stay in jobs at which they are incompetent. All of them are one level above j obs they can do well. While this phenomenon is clearly observable in many cases, it is not always accurate. An individual may not be promoted because there is no opening. Example two senior research scientists are peers and about equal in age, experience, and talent. One is promoted to department manager. The other has to wait a couple of years until a similar position opens.An individual may choose to step down a level. Many excellent salespeople get promoted to management only to discover that they dont like management. They step back into the sales jobs at which they were competent and successful. An individual may lack the skills for the new job but works hard to develop those skills. Such people may have been classic Peter principle examples, but they are no longer. How to Beat The Peter Principle Its easy to see how the Peter principle took hold in the world of American business. The corporate world thrives on the competition among individuals for personal achievement, rec ognition, and promotion. But the pressure to move upwards has its perils. As the classic book notes, victims of the Peter principle generally stay at their level of incompetence until they retire. They dont usually get fired. But theyre usually miserable. So is everyone around them. Obviously, this is not good for business. Smart executives look for ways to beat the Peter principle. There are three ways to do it Promote better, train better, and, as a last resort, demote. Demotion may sound harsh, but it is often the only way to deal with the problem. And it can be a win-win situationbecause people who have risen to incompetence are not usually happy to be there. Inverse Promotion Then again, demotion can be humiliating. That is where the notion of inverse promotion kicks in. This practice developed directly as a result of the Peter principle. It assumes that the person to be demoted is a valued employee who has simply wound up in the wrong job. The person is transferred to a ne w job, often in a different department, that may be a lower level position but doesnt have an obviously lower job title. This does more than save face. A pay cut can usually be avoided since salary levels often have wide overlaps. Ideally, the person also has been given the right job this time. The Training vorkaufsrecht Additional training and mentoring may give a Peter principle victim the tools needed to succeed. The word victim is deliberate. Why wasnt this training available before the promotion? Marcia Reynolds, author of Wander Woman How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction claims that you cant ...really measure the truth of the Peter principle without analyzing the training the person has had for the position they have moved into, especially if its a promotion. Every promotion entails new tasks, responsibilities, and perspectives. Many Peter principle examples might be competent if given a fair chance. The Bottom Line Before you give up employees who a ppear to be walking examples of the Peter Principle, make sure youve done everything you can to help them succeed at their new level. Training, mentoring, andgood leadershipmay be all they need to become competent.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The 25 Worst Resume Objective Statements
The 25 Worst Resume Objective StatementsThe 25 Worst Resume Objective StatementsWriting your resume objective gutachten? It requires some skill and strategic thinking. Here are 25 Resumania examples that should serve as cautionary tales about what not to do.While many job seekers today opt to lead off their resume with a professional summary, some people still like to use a resume objective gutachten. If you are in the process of trying to craft a strong objective statement, remember that it needs to be compelling and targeted to the employer youre contacting.Heres an example of a resume objective statement that provided prospective employers with useful informationObjective To secure a rewarding entry-level help desk position where I can use my extensive knowledge of computer hardware and software in a university setting.Many job seekers, unfortunately, write objective statements that are unclear, self-focused, generic, silly or downright bizarre. Following are 25 ill-advised object ive statements from real-life resumes - dubbed Resumania by our founder - that our company has collected.The self-focused resume objective statementYour objective statement must succinctly clarify what you can do for the employer - not what you hope to gain from the organization if hired. These candidates goofed by focusing on their wants and needs1. Objective Looking forward to earning more than $120,000 a year at your company.2. Objective My position will have pleasant surroundings, a reasonable salary, low pressure, not require me to bring work home and good benefits.3. Objective I would like to work for a company that is very lax when it comes to tardiness.4. Objective Something that will pull me out of my intellectual-stimulation rut.The goofy resume objective statementA hiring manager simply wants to know what you bring to the table. While there might be an opportunity in a job interview to show off your personality or sense of humor, your resume - particularly the opening of your resume - isnt the place to do it.5. Objective To find an employer out there who is looking to hire a non-idiot. I am a non-idiot.6. Objective A position as one of the people who secretly controls the world from behind the scenes.7. Objective My objective is to get married and have three kids. Oh, wait, you want my career objective.On the job hunt? Is your resume ready to go? Submit your resume and search our open positions nowThe OK, Ill settle for your job resume objective statementYou would not feel too excited if an employer contacted you after an interview and offered this statement Well, wed much prefer virtually any other applicant for the role, but we cant wait any longer so we suppose youll do for now. In your objective statement, display some enthusiasm and knowledge of the company and role. Expressing a cavalier attitude - as these next candidates did - will get you nowhere.8. Objective I want a regular eight-hour job until I find a goal for what my life should be.9. Objective Anything, please.10. Objective My dream job would be as a professional baseball player, but since I cant do that, Ill settle on being an accountant.The mistake-ridden resume objective statementNothing damages your chances like a careless typo, which calls into question your attention to detail. Avoid grammatical goofs and spelling blunders by establishing a step-by-step proofreading system. In addition to running your computers spell-check function, take some time to read your resume several times on screen and on paper. These job seekers chose to skip that important process11. Objective To get an opportunity to proof what I know.12. Objective Im looking for my big brake.13. Objective I would like to secure a challenging position and accell in the accounting industry.14. Objective I have hi expectations for myself and hope one day to achieve millionaire status.The extremely confusing resume objective statementProofread not just for typos, but also for clarity. Its w ise to ask trusted friends or family members for feedback and editing suggestions. If something doesnt make sense to them, its probably not going to make sense to an employer.15. Objective To wear many hats.16. Objective To find a career that will allocate dexterity from preceding experiences to perform a job to superiority. In addendum to facile and ardent task force will alleviate the work environment of unethical work habits.17. Objective My goal is to turn my work environment into a work environment.18. Objective To circumvent corporate America and reach free thinkers who dont take themselves too seriously, but take monetary gain and peace of mind paramount a non-conformance with credit ability.The completely untargeted resume objective statementDo your homework and carefully review the job description. Then, tailor your statement to the specific position you are seeking. These job hunters were as vague and unfocused as you can get19. Objective Every job available20. Objective T o be a life coach, closet design organizer, radio host and manager of a boutique hotel on a tropical island.21. Objective Secure a position in a large firm as receptionist, PBX operator, manager, owner or accounts receivable clerk.22. Objective To secure a job or career.The bridge-burning resume objective statementWhile this should go without saying, badmouthing a current or former boss anywhere in your resume is guaranteed to raise questions about your ability to take direction or get along in the workplace. Using your application materials to get personal is a bad plan. If you were fired from a role and feel the need to add some (diplomatically worded) context, do so in a cover letter.23. Objective A new job. I am looking for work because the jerk manager I have now is giving me lots of trouble.24. Objective Looking for any employer that doesnt stink like mine.25. Objective I dont like my work or my boss. I need to find a new boss. Maybe you could be the one
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Benefits of Career Ladders
The Benefits of Career LaddersThe Benefits of Career LaddersEmployers want to do nice things for their employees, but significant, expensive things must be weighed with the benefits to the employer in mind. One of those big, expensive things is a career ladder for particular groups of staff. A career ladder is a formal process within an organization that allows employees to advance their careers to higher levels of salary, responsibility or authority. Once employees meet certain criteria, they are eligible to move into higher level roles. Examples of jobs that might have career ladders include child protective services caseworkers, adult protective services specialists, police officers, accountants, and computer programmers. In mid-size and large government organizations, these positions are found in quantities significant enough to merit consideration of establishing career ladders. Career ladders cannot just benefit employees. Employers need to reap some benefits as well. Here are some of the ways career ladders benefit employing organizations. Retain Staff Career ladders contribute to staff retention. When employees experience the low times inherent in any job, they can look to the career ladder to landsee there is more money, responsibility or authority available in the near future provided employees meet the employers requirements for moving to the next rung of the career ladder. Employees see the light at the end of the tunnel. It causes them to think long and hard about the pros and cons of taking a different job. If they decide to leave, they must brush up their resumes, complete job applications, go on interviews, learn a new job and assimilate into a new organizational culture. If they decide to stay, they know the job and organization, are in line for career advancement and know what they need to do to achieve the next step in their careers. Well-Trained Workforce Almost all career ladders include some sort of continuing education or training component. In addition to accumulating years of experience and performing at an acceptable level, employees complete training classes to enhance their skills. Career ladder requirements provide external stimulus for employees to attend job-related training. For the organization, the result is a well-trained workforce. Show Staff They Are Valued When organizations have career ladders in place, they show employees the organization values them. The career ladder is a formal mechanism whereby employees gain knowledge, skills, and abilities that make them more useful to the employer. Employees feel cared for since the organization is investing in them. The organization equips employees to do their jobs better over time. Career ladders facilitate this in methodical ways. Each rung of the ladder has training requirements for moving to the next rung. The training prepares employees for the tasks, assignments, and projects they will work on once they reach the next level of the career l adder. Motivated Workforce Since job performance is almost always a key factor in career ladder programs, employees are incentivized toward good performance. notlage only do employees have to gain experience and complete training they must also perform well in their current roles. It would make no sense for an organization to promote an employee up a career ladder if the employee has not proven competent at lower levels. By requiring employees to perform satisfactorily to promote, organizations foster motivation in the workforce. Attract Talented People Who Want to Develop Some people want to do their jobs and go home. If they are meeting expectations, they expect not to be hassled by their supervisors. Theres nothing necessarily wrong with this attitude. The world needs people to do their jobs, but these people are not suited to jobs that have career ladders. Organizations tout their career ladders when recruiting job applicants in the hopes of getting new hires who do not mind starting at the bottom when they know there is a clear path to higher levels. These are people who thrive in career ladder positions. They want to develop themselves to move up the ladder. These new hires are happy to have a job starting at the bottom, but they do not intend to stay at the bottom any longer than is necessary. Make Assignments to the Right People Career ladders are tools managers can use when they make decisions about which employees are assigned which tasks. Employees higher up the career ladder can be given more complex and difficult assignments than employees at lower levels. Employees at higher levels have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and salaries that align with those assignments. Managers can use assignments to help people at lower levels develop into employees like those at higher levels. As a mid-level employee gets close to attaining the highest career ladder step, a manager can assign that employee a project or task like those that employee wi ll receive at higher levels. This shows the manager how the employee handles next-level assignments. Higher level employees can be used as mentors for lower level employees. The lower level employees can plek the brains of their more senior colleagues to gain insight on how to climb the ladder themselves. Of course, organizations must ensure designated mentors have the aptitudes and attitudes suitable for mentoring. Not every senior-level employee is cut out to be a mentor.
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Pitfall of Resume Builder Free
The Pitfall of Resume Builder Free Our online Resume Builder features will allow you to create a resume that reflects your best strengths. No cost creative clean resume template for virtually any job Opportunity. Imagine you have two resumes facing you. There are many dozen free resume maker computer software titles out there for you to pick from, such as HotJobs and Resume Builder, just to mention a couple. Many free resume builders are available on the internet and you may locate them by performing a very simple search utilizing appropriate search provisions. There are lots of places to get templates for nursing CVs including our on-line service Our service features nursing CV writing and in addition to help with developing Curriculum Vitae for RNs all around the world. In the long run, you are going to receive an exceptional link to your online resume, which youll be able to give to your possible employer. For instance, you may include links to your previous experience websites for simple access in case theyre curious. Resume Builder Free Explained The way the role and the outcomes are almost always bold. Your ad should state that you are searching for a ghost writer its possible to trust. For an interview for a possible job, you must dress formally. For product managers, interpersonal skills are the most crucial and also the toughest. Make sure as youre listing experiences to begin with the latest experience and work back from that point. Include the tools youve got experience with. Your real experience shouldnt be continued on the second page. Once theres the appropriate sample as well as the proper info, you can create a winning resume quickly and that dream job will be yours. Technically it simply indicates the action of looking for work, but its more often utilized as the particular routine that Japanese university students go through if you are searching for work. If you would like to find the job, you should know everything abou t the hospital you need to be part of. You will first have to identify your fantasy job or the qualities of your fantasy role and concentrate on getting the essential abilities and education for the job so you can then apply for your fantasy job and enhance your odds of finally landing it. The Basics of Resume Builder Free The very first point to do is create an ad which can be posted on relevant sites. Also, youre able to even place a contact form on your website so that someone does not need to go through the trouble of providing you a call or sending you an email. There are a lot of free resume creators that provide users a very simple and straightforward method of producing and building their CVs. If youre starting, it is extremely important to launch an extremely aggressive online advertising. Make sure you include the way your employer will profit from having you work for their company. You require a resume to promote yourself for work in a firm. If you dont hear fro m the employer instantly, you shouldnt fret. Your potential employers will realize that you care about your reputation and youre current with technology. If youre really in it to locate a free resume builder, make certain its totally free from starting to end. If youre impressed, that will certainly sign up for bids at any moment. Download the internet Casino software today and you may play our completely free casino online, and be on your way to the fun and excitement of Vegas style internet casino gaming The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resume Builder Free Just fill in the essential sections like educations and techniques, pick the theme you need and save the CV. Even when youre a knowledgeable professional, youre able to nevertheless refer to samples that may enable you to replace your resume. Following is the sample resume template to demonstrate how to compose a CV for creating a work application. If you would like to learn about different resume types. Offered in two s hade of colours, dark and light now you are able to present your private curriculum vitae with the sensible and tasteful way. The elements utilized in each template complement nicely with the theme it was created for. The template is extremely oganized and named layers also simple to customize. Templates play a major part in your job search as it saves lots of your time and supply you a better format for your CV. They will provide you the raw format of resume. When youre writing the reference letter for anybody, its important to write it in well organized format. There are lots of ways to format and present them. The absolute most hard step here is to determine which resume format is suitable for you. Make certain youre not making complicate things by selecting a complicated format.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
How to Find Resume Writing Valdosta Ga Online
How to Find Resume Writing Valdosta Ga Online What Is So Fascinating About Resume Writing Valdosta Ga? The bin is a little box that has regular books together with a couple textbooks also. The prices are also rather high. You could shell out the purchase price of a wonderful vacation when utilizing her expert services. Yes, there are those who dont wish to provide help. For Greens church, one particular way they have become multicultural in their approach to racial diversity is via the manner which they are interpreting sermons into Mandarin for that specific region of the congregation each week. My preferred method to express my self is by way of fashion. Motivating someone with behavioral issues can be quite hard. As a consequence of these, those students that are unmotivated need assistance from different folks, particularly by offering them some benefits and rewards for achieving the objective. Its an overview of your qualification which is used as a promotion tool t o procure an internship or job. Its about how to make certain that they have an outstanding technology experience and access to services. If youre phone-shy or just really busy you may choose to pick a resume writing service which communicates solely through email. Imagine the caliber of writing youll receive from an affordable essay writing service. You dont need to be concerned about having a resume writer whos unaware of the role that youre applying for. With our academic writers youll never face such a matter. If you are in need of a well-written job in a short while, the group of expert essay writers of is precisely what you are searching for. Race to them is something which should not define how you label an individual. Blindness isnt a strength. The New Angle On Resume Writing Valdosta Ga Just Released Bold statements can be created from your outfit choices. Fashion is so vital in so many unique ways. Student learners that are scared to test out new things or t asks happen to find pressured due to their weaknesses. Students are intrinsically motivated should they love or enjoy what theyre doing even if theres no reward or incentive for it. Teachers often encourage intrinsic motivation as its iabsprache for their students in the very long run. Parents and teachers arent the middle of learning. Yes, theres somebody who can aid you with your essays expert essay writers at MyPerfectWords. Appropriate discipline needs to be taught and implemented so they will know their limitations. The ideal way to deal with it is to align the motivation in a manner they can comprehend the advantages of the tasks and its advantages. Therefore, its really important to understand their focus areas as a way to correctly strategize on the best way to motivate them.
Friday, November 29, 2019
6 tips for delivering feedback in the most constructive way
6 tips for delivering feedback in the most constructive way6 tips for delivering feedback in the most constructive wayWhether yourmanagerial styleis free spirit or more results-driven Realist, youre a serious bossbabe who brings her own set of much-needed attributes to her team. Maybe its your ability to make independent decisions, or maybe its your peacemaking expertise - but its probably elend your mastery of constructive criticism, right?First-time managersand seasoned vets alike struggle with this task, so dont feel self-conscious if you dread those one-on-one meetings with your team members. Ashley Cox, leadership development expert and founder ofSproutHR, gave us some insider tips for tactfully and effectively conveying some not-so-positive input so you can quit stressin and get back to killin it.1. Keep it clear and conciseChannel your inner Rory Gilmore and prepare, prepare, prepare. Beforehand, make sure to privately go over what you want and need to share during the conver sation. If it will help you stay on track and remember essential details, you might even want to write down bullet points and bring them with you to the meeting. Being prepared will help ease your nerves and keep your conversation focused, Cox says. Remember, as nervous as you are delivering this information, the person on the other end is 10 times as nervous hearing it.2. Humanize the conversationAt one point or another in your career, you received some constructive criticism that stung at least a little bit (you wouldnt be where you are otherwise). Keep this in mind when youre trying to convey your feedback. How would you want to receive the information that youre about to deliver? Once youve answered this question, adjust according to their personality type. When delivering constructive criticism, its important to remember that theres a human being on the other side of the conversation - one with dreams, goals, feelings and, yes, a life going on outside of work, Cox emphasizes. Take into consideration that something external could be impacting their overall performance and seek to understand whats going on.3. Avoid extremesYou dont want to leave the meeting feeling like a mean boss, but you also dont want to walk away feeling like you didnt get your point across. The best way to ensure neither of these outcomes is to avoid extremes (i.e., being to blunt or too delicate). Being too blunt can prompt the employee to go on the defensive and make them feel uninspired to make changes. Being too delicate can leave the individual feeling confused and equally unmotivated to alter their actions. Cox recommends being both direct and tactful. Being direct helps to ensure your message is communicated clearly and is understood, she explains.4. Address the behavior, not the individualRegardless of how well you and this particular employee jive, theres a reason theyre on your team - because they contribute something valuable. Remember this when talking to them. This acti on or event that youre discussing with the individual is just that - one action or event, Cox states. Were all human. We all mess up. This individuals one mistake or shortcoming does not make them a bad person or even a bad employee. Address the behavior or action as being undesirable, not the individual, Cox reiterates.5. Include the whyThis might seem obvious, but Cox says that throughout her career, shes seen countless incidents of people sharing feedback and then failing to convey why the suggested improvement needs to be made. Its not very helpful if you tell someone that an action they took was wrong if you dont share why, Cox shares. Make sure to explain why this behavior or action directly impacted the team, the customer or the overall company vision. This will put things into perspective for the receiver and ultimately encourage them to make adjustments. And if you cant think of a why, you might want to reevaluate the validity of your critique.6. Move forwardCox doesnt sug arcoat it During the conversation, youll be uncomfortable. After the conversation, youll probably still feel uncomfortable. And thats okay, she assures us. But make a concerted effort to proceed as you modellly would, whether thats joking around, making small talk or whatever your normal style is. Because youre the boss, the individual will take cues from you about how to act. Dont make it weird and it wont be, Cox says. After all, you just shared some feedback to help the individual and the team improve. Nothing weird about that at allThis article was originally published on Brit + Co.
Monday, November 25, 2019
What to Leave Out of a Cover Letter
What to Leave Out of a Cover LetterWhat to Leave Out of a Cover LetterAhhh the deckblatt letter. The make or break (mostly break) document for most candidates job-seeking prospects. A well-crafted, effective titelseite letter can provide an efficient snapshot of experience, skills and other characteristics to would-be employers. A bad cover letter, on the other hand, can facilitate your entire applications quick journey into the circular filing bin.While we often spend a great deal of time on how-tos, tutorials and the like, its a far rarer find for a blog to spell out the must not should not and never in a million years type of advice. With that in mind, and with the goal of helping you craft a resume that lands you the job of your dreams, here are a few pieces of advice when it comes to what to leave out of a cover letter.Anything and Everything GenericLook, we get it. You had a late night, maybe indulged in one too many slices of cake or glasses of Uncle Jerrys fabulous homemade b rew. The next morning, while still wearing your cats are the best fuzzy pajamas and safely snuggled under your covers, you open up your daily email update from Simply Hired, only to find just the right job, staring you straight in the face. While your first inclination may be to download some run of the mill cover letter, change a few names, dates and distributionspolitiks and hit the send button, this is actually the worst action you could possibly take.If a job application calls for a cover letter, you better bet your PJ matching fuzzy slippers that your prospective employer will be giving these critical documents a once over when it comes time to make selections regarding callbacks and interviews. A personalized cover letter will quickly identify why your name should be on the top of that list. TLDR (Or Too Long Didnt Read, for the Less Hip Among Us)Cover letters are one of those formulaic documents that have a set, expected, brevity by those who are used to reviewing them in mas s quantities. When you consider that most companies receive an average of 250 applications for any given open position, you can see why an overly verbose cover letter could be a bit of putting. Keep your introduction short, sweet and to the point. Convey critical information that makes your candidacy shine in 300 words or less. You wont be earning any bonus points for extra word count here.Summarizing the ResumeWhile your cover letter is certainly an introduction to the hiring manager or other job filling decision maker, this doesnt mean that it should be a simple summary of information theyll be seeing later on in your professional resume. Cover letters should address specific requirements from the companys job listing. In a few sentences, candidates should pick out choice information, but also add in dynamic descriptions, for an explanation on how they make the grade and should be in consideration. Simply recapping information that appears in the resume is a waste of a perfectly g ood opportunity to set yourself apart from the applicant crowd.About those College YearsWhile there may be some entry-level positions that want to know more about potential job candidates, your cover letter isnt the place to give a dissertation on that advanced algebra course or your degree in ancient European animal migration. If youre light on relevant job experience, instead highlight relevant soft or personality skills that are applicable to the given job. Your resume will provide a fine enough snapshot of your university successes and failures in the form of your GPA.Not Following InstructionsPerhaps the biggest mistake would-be applicants can make when it comes to their cover letter is not following the specific instructions of their prospective employer. While many positions ask for simply a relevant cover letter, others may provide prompts for candidates to expound on. Failing to read the fine print could get your application kicked out of consideration. Similarly, pay atten tion to any word counts, deadlines or other specific guidelines the company may supply. Many job application instructions ask you to exclude identifying information in certain personal areas or have hard deadlines for applying. Follow the rules, exclude extraneous, unnecessary or generic info and your cover letter will be more helpful and less hurtful towards your prospects for scoring that lucrative job offer or interview.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
An Implant That Grows as a Child Grows
An Implant That Grows as a Child Grows An Implant That Grows as a Child Grows An Implant That Grows as a Child GrowsAdults that suffer from an overly dilated heart valve can have a prosthetic reif implanted to restrict it to normal size. The fix is fairly routine and can be accomplished with a single surgery. Children are not so lucky. As their hearts grow over the years, those reifs have to be replaced, requiring multiple surgeries. And because the problem is more common in adults, there has been less development for devices appropriate for children.Eric Feins, a surgeon at Boston Childrens Hospital, and his colleagues wanted to fix that. The premise, when we started this project, was to say How do we make a ring that has growth potential? Feins says.They first tried out the idea of using a degradable polymer. As it dissolved over time, the diameter of a ring made with such a material would slowly expand. But no matter what the material, a loss in thickness also means a loss in mech anical strength. Thankfully, surgeons were not the only ones brainstorming on the project. I dont come from a heavy engineering background, Feins says. But there are some fairly experienced engineers in our lab, which was hugely beneficial in terms of brainstorming the conceptual design.Artists rendering of a braided, tubular implant that could grow in sync with a childs heart valve. Image Randal McKenzie / Boston Childrens HospitalAny ring with a mechanical element needed to be as simple as possible, with no overlapping pieces that might catch flesh or blood. So the aforementioned engineers ended up turning to that cheap, ageless toy tube, known as the Chinese finger trap. As every child knows, when you stick a finger into each end and pull, the woven fibers of the trap allow it to elongate. It narrows in the process and eventually snares the fingers pulling it. Using such a weave in an animal is not unheard of. Octopi owe their ability to lengthen their limbs, and fit them into na rrow crevices, to a similar arrangement of fibers.The actual trapping element of the toy was immaterial. What was important was its ability to lengthen without losing strength. Feins and his colleagues filled the tubular sleeve with a biodegradable polymer. If you can control the core degeneration, then the braid elongation is controllable and predictable, he says.At the moment, that core is an FDA approved polymerthe researchers wanted to start with something widely used and accepted. But, conceivably, the speed with which the material breaks down could be tweaked to match the growth tarif of a childs heart. Unfortunately, just when and how fast a human heart grows is not completely known. There are not existing heart growth curves in humans, Feins says.So far, the new tricuspid valve annuloplasty ring, as they call it, has only been demonstrated ex vivo on rat tibias and piglet hearts. The next step is to put it into a living animal. But their paper, published this year in Nature Biomedical Engineering, has already sparked interest in medical professionals that work with children in many areas of medicine, particularly otorhinolaryngologists, better known as ear, nose, and throat doctors. I do think that there are potential areas that our lab isnt even aware of because we are specialists ourselves.Regardless of the areas that might profit from Feins ring, thanks to its simplicity, biocompatibility, and proven success in the lab, it could eliminate thousands of surgeries on children in the coming years.Michael Abrams is an independent writer. For Further Discussion The premise, when we started this project, was to say How do we make a ring that has growth potential?Dr. Eric Feins, Boston Childrens Hospital
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